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10 Ways to Play with a Laundry Basket
A laundry basket is a versatile learning tool and it’s fun! Try one of these games with your child who is blind or visually impaired. No washing, drying, or folding required.
#4. Impromptu seating
A laundry basket can be used in the bathtub or wading pool for extra support or impromptu seating.
#5. Pre-cane mobility device
Your toddler can push a filled laundry basket from behind. The basket will bump into obstacles before your child does.
#6. Play basketball
Have your child drop or throw balls into the basket.
#7. Push puff balls
Turn the laundry basket upside down and push puff balls through the hole.
#9. Tongs, cups, or buckets
Give your child tongs, cups, or buckets to pick up small toys in the bottom of the basket.
#10. Pretend play
A laundry basket can be a bed for your child’s favorite stuffed animal or doll.