The “Big 3 Tool Kit” for Children with CVI:
The iPad comes in two sizes: the standard size (9.7 inch display) and the mini (7.9 inch display). Which size you should buy would seem like a simple question, but it really depends on your child and how their visual field is affected. The iPad mini, which is more portable, may work for some children, while the larger screen size of the standard iPad Air may work for others.
The decision to have a larger storage size may also be a wise one depending on how the iPad will be used. Will you be downloading a lot of apps and taking lots of photos and videos? Then you may want to consider getting an iPad with 64 or 128GB, which of course raises the price.
The iPad is remarkable because it is a consumer device that has so many benefits and applications for students with CVI and other forms of blindness. The iPad has many accessibility features including VoiceOver, Zoom, font settings and AssistiveTouch that can be a great benefit for many students with CVI.
But the iPad is really only as good as the apps you’ve downloaded for it. So, which apps should you get?
The iPad is remarkable because it is a consumer device that has so many benefits and applications for students with CVI and other forms of blindness. The iPad has many accessibility features including VoiceOver, Zoom, font settings and AssistiveTouch that can be a great benefit for many students with CVI.
But the iPad is really only as good as the apps you’ve downloaded for it. So, which apps should you get?
20 iPad Apps for Children with CVI
A tip: Before purchasing any app view other apps by the developer to see if they offer a lite (free) version of the app. Since every kid is different, it’s always best to try out an app for free to see if it will work with your child before you buy it.
- Infant Zoo Lite By treebetty
- My Talking Picture Board by Little Bear Sees (review)
- Sago Mini Sound Box By Sago Sago (review)
- iLoveFireworks Lite By Fireworks Games (review)
- fluidity HD By nebulus design
- The Cat in the Hat By Oceanhouse Media
- Sensory Electra By Sensory Apps Ltd
- Interactive Alphabet By Piikea St
- Tap-N-See-Now by Little Bear Sees (review)
- Cause and Effect Sensory Light Box By Cognable (review)
- Big Bang Pictures By Inclusive Technology
- Read2Go By Benetech (review)
- Pocket Pond By TriggerWave LLC
- Peeping Musicians By Inclusive Technology
- Bebot – Robot Synth By Normalware (review)
- Bloom HD By Opal Limited (review)
- EDA Play By EDA Play (review)
- Bubbles By Hog Bay Software (review)
#2. Light Box
The Light Box is a product sold by American Printing House for the Blind (APH). The Light Box is a common tool used with children with CVI (and other visual impairments). It is a rectangular shaped box with a bright light inside and has a translucent top that allows light to shine through. The light is also adjustable, so you can turn it up or down.
The Large Light Box comes in two sizes: The standard Light Box is 26 x 12.5 inches while the Mini-Lite Box is 23 x 18 inches.
What can you do with a Light Box? All sorts of things! APH offers many products to use with the Light Box, including overlays and the Sense of Science program. Sense of Science is a collection of screens you can place on the Light Box that will teach your child about animals, astronomy, or plants.
What can you do with a Light Box? All sorts of things! APH offers many products to use with the Light Box, including overlays and the Sense of Science program. Sense of Science is a collection of screens you can place on the Light Box that will teach your child about animals, astronomy, or plants.
You can also place everyday objects on the Light Box to allow better viewing with the contrast. My daughter loves to place a piece of paper on her Light Box and color over it. She says she can see it so much better.
The possibilities are pretty much endless with it comes to a Light Box and people are always coming up with additional great things to do with this simple but powerful device. For more ideas:
The possibilities are pretty much endless with it comes to a Light Box and people are always coming up with additional great things to do with this simple but powerful device. For more ideas:
#3. LightAide™
The LightAide™ is a remarkable and innovative educational tool that is perfect for children with CVI.
The LightAide combines many of the best features of both the Light Box and the iPad. It’s large and bright like the Light Box, but also includes interactive and motivating games like the iPad. It’s durable and strong like the Light Box, but easy to use to engage kids in social play and hold a child’s attention like the iPad. |
The colorful lights, movement and simple graphics really have a lot of benefits for children with CVI. The LightAide has many different educational benefits. There is software available for literacy and math skills while essential skills like turn taking and visual tracking can be facilitated with a LightAide as well.
Adapted from article by Penny Duffy, WonderBaby.