Eating Skills
Eating Skills for Babies and Toddlers Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired. Whether it is from the breast or a bottle, newborns need to eat every few hours, and throughout infancy, babies need their parents to help them eat. You can involve your baby in the process right from the start and help him begin to learn about eating and food. For more click HERE.
Supporting the Development of Eating Skills for Children with Multiple Disabilities.
Learning to eat and drink can be a challenge for many children who have multiple disabilities including a visual impairment. The way your child responds to food can be affected by factors such as his medical conditions, physical abilities, or resistance to trying new foods because of the texture or taste. Here are some ways you may help your baby develop normal sleep patterns. For more click HERE. (en español) Teaching Blind Children Self-Feeding Skills. Children who are blind or visually impaired discover their world through touch, sound and taste. If your little one is blind, he doesn't have the advantage of casually observing and learning from family and friends. Skills such as self-feeding should be taught in a structured way, according to Amber Bobnar, administrator of For more click HERE. (en español)
photo: WonderBaby