Importance of Vision Screening for Young Children
Early Detection for Better Outcomes
Picture: Atlantic Eye Institute
One out of five children struggle with undiagnosed vision problems
Because of inadequate screening, Colorado supports just 25% to 50% of the families with very young children who are visually impaired or have vision concerns.1
80% of early learning is visual
The majority of vision problems are treatable
“Visual Screening Guidelines: Children Birth Through Five Years,” Colorado Department of Education, January 2005
We can assess the health and well-being of a very young child’s vision by paying attention to the appearance of eyes, behaviors and caregiver’s concerns
"Vision Screening Parent Questionnaire for Children Ages Birth through Five Years," Colorado Department of Education, 2020
ABC's of Vision Screening
Appearance of the eyes and eyelids may identify atypical situations that warrant a referral - and in some cases an URGENT referral
Behaviors of how your child uses their vision in daily tasks may indicate a brain-based or neurological concern such as Cerebral Visual Impairment
Concerns about a child's vision should always be addressed by a qualified professional