My Daily Routine Sensory Bin
Children with visual impairments learn with their hands. Ready for some hands-on tactile play? A small bin, tray, or bucket is the perfect container for a variety of sensory experiences.
In this experience we will make a sensory bin using objects at home that are used during your child’s natural routine, such as their toothbrush, their favorite cup, or comb. Your child will explore by touching, looking, tasting, and listening to these objects. Your child can also learn to compare objects, play in/out games, dump and fill, transfer objects from right hand to left, and learn to pretend play. This experience also gives the child additional time for manipulation and play with those objects, to increase their vocabulary, and to help gain a deeper understanding of their uses, which is important for independent living. |
This activity will take 5 to 15 minutes depending on your child’s mood and interest.
Materials Required
Activity Steps
Extension Activities